Responding to 2023 Libya floods

The September 2023 flooding in Derna, Libya caused severe humanitarian crisis
We are also developing the training capacity of responders in Libya with Training of Trainers, equipping them to in turn support fellow humanitarians and engineering capacity in the country for years to come.
of the city of Derna was destroyed by the flood
people were killed
disaster responders trained by RedR
We developed bitesize training on the most urgent topics
We delivered online modules in Arabic on topics prioritised in the RLNA, such as flooding damage assessments, or cross-cutting topics such as protection and community engagement.
We delivered Training of Trainers to engineers, both online and face to face, increasing training and dissemination capacity amongst specialists. This multiplier effect means that the humanitarian assistance to many affected people will be catalysed by modest investment into capacity development of local actors.
We supported local responders to assess damage to buildings
We are also adapting our Rapid Damage Assessments training for a face-to-face context, facilitated by engineers previously trained by RedR UK, and facilitating coaching from international structural flooding specialists to on-ground engineers conducting damage assessments.
In this response, we build on our expert practice in the Türkiye and Syria earthquake response, Structural Detailing and Damage Assessments programme in Iraq and Syria, Pakistan floods response, and ongoing response to the devastating 2023 Morocco earthquake. Leveraging our role as a bridge between engineering and humanitarian sectors, we are supporting an effective and resilient response on behalf of the Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office via the H2H Network.
Meet the disaster responders we trained in Libya
Basma empowers disaster responders in Libya
Since the floods that devastated the city of Derna in Libya last September, Basma El-Werfally has been working with her team to provide support.
“The right help at the right time”
Yousra has been equipped to develop her own online training for mental health workers working with those affected by the Libya floods.