
Take a self-paced module
It will take you between 20 minutes and 90 minutes to complete each module – depending on which you choose.
Read the learning objectives at the top of each module to see if the course is a good fit for you.
Humanitarian Story
Learn how key moments have shaped the way that the humanitarian story works today, since its beginnings in the 1850s.
Humanitarian Standards
Understand the technical standards that guide humanitarian action, developed through long consultation processes and expert review.
Coordination Structures
Understand the complex coordination structures of the humanitarian system, and how to coordinate an effective response to crisis working with national governments and…
How to use the Sphere Handbook
Understand the Sphere Handbook – a key resource to improve the quality of humanitarian assistance, and learn how to use it in real contexts.
Minimum Standards for Displacement Site Management
Understand minimum standards based on the rights of all displaced persons. These standards apply in all displacement settings including collective centres, reception…
Diversity, Vulnerability, and Capacity
Study these crucial concepts in humanitarian projects to ensure all are protected. In emergencies, different people experience different opportunities, barriers,…
Protection Programming
Understand an important theme every humanitarian must consider when designing projects, including protection against gender-based violence.
Learn about the crucially important WASH sector, a standalone intervention and a consideration for other sectors as part of an integrated response. The WASH Cluster is…
Learn about medical support in humanitarian aid. Essential health services in humanitarian crises must always accompanied by efforts to strengthen health systems.
Food Security and Nutrition
Learn to manage food security and nutrition in humanitarian crisis, identifying its crucial role in saving lives in humanitarian crisis.
Education in Emergencies
Learn the role of education in humanitarian response, minimum standards and why education is a lifesaving intervention, intersecting with others sectors.
Cash and Voucher Assistance
Understand this innovative approach to humanitarian support as the sector changes. Gain an introduction to key terms and concepts.
Humanitarian Logistics
Learn to get needed supplies to specific locations – a vital aspect of humanitarian response, and a dedicated sector in itself.
Debris Management
Learn the importance of proper earthquake debris management. Gain the skills and tools needed to handle the hazards and debris after an earthquake.
Rapid Damage Assessment of Flood Affected Buildings
Understand the need for damage assessments, and how buildings can be restored to pre-flooding conditions.