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A community of practice to strengthen impact in humanitarian contexts.
RedR staff member speaks at a fundraising event, April 2024.

Members have achieved incredible impact

Many experienced humanitarians have engaged with RedR at some point their careers. RedR has been the entry point to the humanitarian sector for many who have chosen to work in this field, and for many who are forced into disaster response work through circumstance. 


There is still much for RedR to do to create a world where the right people and skills are in place to respond to disaster. We’re providing specialist technical engineering support through training and coaching, facilitating the shift of power from international to local level, and connecting disaster responders with vital expertise from the private sector. We no longer deploy our members internationally. Instead, we leverage their expertise in other ways, incorporating their input into our project design.


We’re striving to create a thriving community of engaged and active contributors, who share knowledge and experience between themselves and engage with external stakeholders to support humanitarian responders with high quality, up-to-date, and relevant information, and highlight best practice in the humanitarian sector. 


The Members’ Council


The Members’ Council represents the views of the membership to the Board of Trustees. The Members’ Council includes:


  • Rob Buckley – Chair of the Members’ Council
  • Samwel Cheruiyot – Deputy Chair of the Members’ Council
  • Emily Fereday
  • Robert Hodgson
  • Michel Gonzalez Brun


Reach the Members’ Council at members@redr.org.uk or by filling out the Contact form.