
Repair and seismic retrofitting techniques of vernacular houses


Repair and seismic retrofitting techniques of vernacular houses

Learn how to propose effective strengthening measures for traditional buildings affected by earthquakes


Please make sure you read all the for the course before registering, including the dates and times, checking for your specific time zone.

Please only register if you can attend - registering but then not attending takes away these limited funded spaces from another participant. Closer to the course start date we will contact you to re-confirm your place. If we do not hear from you then your place will be withdrawn.

Training Information:

This three-day training course explores the different retrofitting measures that can be used for earthquake-affected vernacular houses and helps provide an understanding of how coordination and collaboration with a range of stakeholders (e.g., international actors, government entities, public service providers, etc) can help to deliver effective engineering solutions. This training is three days long (1 session per day, 2.5 hours per session).


  1. Engineering in an ever-changing humanitarian setting
  2. Appropriate construction solutions for post-earthquake housing reconstruction
  3. Repair and seismic retrofitting of vernacular housing

Course Structure

The programme will be run over 3 days between the 20th May and 22nd May 2024.

Sessions will run between 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM UK time each day (3 hrs long sessions per day)

Course objectives

- Summarize humanitarian principles and standards for engineering practices
- Describe humanitarian context challenges for engineering projects using case studies of Morocco and Afghanistan
- Illustrate how collaboration improves engineering solutions in Morocco and Afghanistan.
- Identify and plan collaboration with humanitarian actors for effective engineering solutions
- Understand vernacular and new modern construction typology options
- Understand the key structural considerations for vernacular housing
- Understand the basics of seismic retrofitting

Who should attend?

Disaster responders with a basic understanding of engineering or architectural principles.

HPass Badge

Upon completion of the course, participants will be eligible to apply for a HPass Badge, a digital indicator of achievement, and a way for participants to demonstrate their skills and experience in the humanitarian sector. You can find more information on HPass Badges here.

Any questions? Check out our FAQs here and our T&Cs here.

If you have any questions about this course or require further information, please contact

In case of any complaints, please email

RedR UK is committed to making sure everyone’s needs are met, including people of different genders, ages and disabilities. If you have any specific access requirements or learning needs RedR UK is committed to try and make reasonable adjustments to support your needs, please email at any stage of the booking process to talk directly to RedR UK about your needs.


Course Overview

Course Length
3 days
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